Quote of the Day:

"The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude."

Blog Roll

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bloggin Mama

Two weeks and six days ago I gave birth to my very first (and ONLY if things go my way) child. He's a sweet little thing, so tiny and he smells so lovely all the time (he literally smells like pure love and happy vibes OR milk depending on your perspective) just like I thought he would. And THAT my friends is about all that's been going "just like I thought". It's occurred to me that this motherhood business is really not at all as you would expect. Not saying its bad, definitely not. It IS challenging though, but always worth it. Especially when you see those little eyes, bright and trusting, focus on your face and when you sit back and take it all in, the amazing feat of science/biology or awesome divine work/ miracle (depending on your school of thought) that it is.

I'm  the furthest possible thing from an expert, just a brand new, first time mom trying to get a grip on all this. So far I've found it helpful to refer to message boards and other online posts to help me with the strange questions and concerns I have on a day to day basis that the books don't answer or the women around me can't relate to for one reason or the other (age, culture, tradition, blah blah..) So when I can find a free moment between spit-ups, diaper changes, tummy time, breast-feeding and pretending to rest (because seriously, the sleep I do get, when I get some,  barely qualifies as sleep at all), I will attempt to share some of my experiences. Here's hoping someday someone else will type in a bunch of key words in a search engine and one of my posts might make her feel at ease :)

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