Quote of the Day:

"The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude."

Blog Roll

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10 Food and Herb Fixes for Allergy Relief (One of them Stinging Nettle!?)

Many immigrants that I have spoken to, find that after about 4 years of being in the U.S. they develop all sorts of allergies they never had "back home". So this morning when I saw this article: Soothe Spring Allergies: 10 Food and Herb Fixes for Allergy Relief I knew I wanted to share!

As I read through the article I saw that they mentioned Stinging Nettle as one of the foods to aid in allergy relief and I immediately thought back to the first and only association my mind has we Stinging Nettle... Please listen around the 1:22 mark... LOL

Enjoy your day folks!

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