Quote of the Day:

"The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude."

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holy Mas??

Christmas is almost over! While Americans have begun to focus their attention on Valentines Day (smh) Trinidadians are gearing up for Carnival!

I was going through the Trinidad Express (the New York Post/ Daily News of Trinidad, if you will...) and found this article:

The article shines some light on the mixed reactions by various religious leaders, in Trinidad, on the creation and approval of a mas band by the Roman Catholic Church in the country.

While the costumes for this Catholic band boast to keep masqueraders fully clad, there are questions about the music the band will parade to and, of course, the dancing/ whinning factor.
While the band's name comes straight out of the Bible: Genesis 1 - Creation, there are concerns that this idea of "Holy Mas" will not escape the "vulgarity" and "lawlessness" that has been associated with Carnival... (Image from Trinidad Express)

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