Quote of the Day:

"The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude."

Blog Roll

Thursday, November 11, 2010

You are supposed to know!!!!

Ever find yourself talking to someone non-Caribbean and you say something and they look at you with that blank stare? And you're looking back even more dumbfounded than they look because you're wondering what could you have possibly said that could not be understood? Well that happens to yours truly on a daily basis.

We talk to people everyday thinking that the silly things we say in our little countries are known worldwide and when we repeat it, we are almost insulted that the person does not know what we are referring to! We give them that you-should-know-exactly-what-I-mean look!!

So I went into Duane Reade yesterday to get some clorox wipes and I grabbed the first container I saw, paid and walked out. When I got home, I noticed the CLOROX wipes have no CLOROX!!! So I am all upset and went back to Duane Reade today and told the clerk (with all my attitude) "how come this clorox wipes has no clorox!!..that just doesn't make sense to me!" She's watching me like I just dropped from my spaceship and I'm speaking foreign tongue to her. So I looked at her (with even more attitude) and proceeded to say these wipes won't bleach my countertop etc. The minute the word "bleach" left my lips, I realized my error! Back home clorox is NOT a brand!! We use clorox and bleach interchangeably. LOL

I apologized to the clerk for my attitude, hung my head in shame and just told her I would like to exchange these clorox wipes for some clorox wipes with BLEACH!

Feel free to add to this list and we must all remember that:




Have a fun day all! :)


  1. and that squeeze is not dishwashing liquid!!!! lmao

  2. 'pampers' is a brand. the thing you put on your baby is called a diaper, or a nappy if you're from the uk ;-)

  3. oh and if you 'go by' your grandmother it probably means you passed her on the street... it doesn't mean you went to her house! lol

  4. Oh and Vim is not a brand and not the actual powder you scrub your pot with! lol
